Crafts, De-Cluttering, Kids, Sewing

Quick Repairs During TV Time

Well my craft time has been uber limited lately unless you consider organizing and de-cluttering a craft project. I do in many ways but I prefer other creative activities. I need more space and less stuff so I keep at it!

This was a clothing item that is too small for my daughter but she loved them so much she wanted to pass them on.

It took me about 10 minutes to stitch them up, while watching Raising Dion during family time. I think looks pretty good for a hand-me down. I doubt they will survive the next kid but considering we are approaching the end of our warm season they will have just enough left to make another kid happy (and my kid too).

I don’t mind doing a quick repair if it helps the giving away process go a little easier. I don’t think other people have the hang ups my family does when it comes to throwing things away.

I actually told her to toss it but since they were a favorite it made her sad not to offer it to a younger cousin. Well now she can and it’s one less thing in our house!

What is something on your list to repair?

My next item is gluing a sole back on my niece’s Ugg’s with some E6000. I was back and forth about the E6000 vs Shoe Goo and when I researched people use both of these adhesives to repair shoes.

In the end I decided to get the E6000 because I can use the leftovers for so many other projects. I’ll let you know how it goes!

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